Group Classes
Test the fundamentals of your training. Sit, stay, and recall with the distractions of other dogs and people.
Picking Up
When picking up it is very important that the dogs are steady around other dogs working, this is fundamental part of what is simulated and trained for here. We do this alongside challenging retrieves over diverse terrain and various distances. We also use the training paddock for handling exercises to reinforce lines and directional handling. Scenarios that often occur when out picking up are set up during the class to test the dogs in training, helping them succeed in the real world.
For spaniels, hunting close and in line is crucial for either walked up shooting or beating. In our spaniel classes the dogs will hunt up through cover either in the rabbit pen or in a crop. The dogs will experience flushes on rabbits and pigeons, stop to shot, be steady to other dogs retrieving, and retrieve either with dummies or cold game.